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The Internal Bra: Everything You Need To Know

The Internal Bra: Everything you to know

What is it? How does it work? What are the benefits? What are the different types of internal bras?

If you’ve been researching cosmetic breast surgery or if you’re considering undergoing a cosmetic breast procedure, you’ve probably come across the term ‘internal bra technique.’ It’s a frequently mentioned term in the world of plastic & cosmetic surgery, but it can be surrounded by confusion, and is often misunderstood. In this blog post, our goal is to provide you with the information on everything you need to know about the internal bra: what it is, how it works, the benefits, and the different types and techniques associated with an internal bra.

What is an internal bra?
The internal bra is a surgical technique that is commonly used in breast surgeries to provide structural support to breast implants or tissue during breast augmentation or reconstruction surgeries. An internal bra can also help to strengthen the lower pole as well as reinforce and define the inframammary fold, which provides a more supportive foundation for a breast implant and helps reduce the risk of bottoming out.
The “Internal bra” is actually an umbrella term which includes various options & techniques, with the two most utilised being:
  1. Barb Sutures: The Barbed suture method uses threads with tiny projections that grip and hold breast tissue in place. This method is designed to create a more secure and stable breast fold where the incision is. Barbed sutures provide a more natural-looking result and require smaller incisions, which may result in less scarring and quicker recovery times.
  2. Mesh: The mesh method involves the use of a surgical mesh to create a more secure and stable breast fold where the incision is. Mesh is more commonly used in reconstructive surgery but can also be used where more significant support is required like during a breast lift (mastopexy), breast reduction or if a patient has required multiple revision surgeries.
What are the pros & cons of the different internal bra methods?
Both methods of the internal bra have their own pros and cons.
The pros of the barb suture method include:
  1. Providing more natural results by allowing your surgeon or doctor to make precise adjustments during the procedure.
  2. A quicker recovery time & less noticeable scarring, compared to mesh due to smaller incisions being used
  3. No foreign materials used which can reduce the risk of infection, tissue reaction and tissue disruption
The cons of the barb suture method include:
  1. The barb suture required a high level of skill and precision from your surgeon or doctor. Inexperienced or less skilled doctors may not achieve the desired result
  2. Limited applicability: Barb sutures are not suitable in every case, if you have had multiple revisions due to bottoming out, double bubble or need a reconstruction you may need something stronger like mesh.
The pros of the mesh method include:
  1. Stability: Mesh provides a stable and reliable structure that effectively supports the area. It is stronger than the barb suture method
The cons of the method method include:
  1. Price: The mesh method can cost an additional $10,000 – $20,000 on top of your surgery quote
  2. Foreign Material: One of the significant drawbacks of mesh is that it involves implanting a foreign material into the body. This can potentially lead to complications, such as infections and tissue reactions
  3. The scarring is often more noticeable as a larger incision is required
  4. Longer recovery times
Why do we use it in cosmetic surgery?
Establishing a solid foundation for breast implants is an important aspect of surgery. One potential complication that can arise after cosmetic breast surgery is “bottoming-out.” This involves the downward displacement of a breast implant, causing it to sit lower than intended, this can cause the incision and the nipple to appear sitting higher, and the implant sitting lower. Patients with poor skin quality, weight loss, pregnancy, breast feeding, general ageing, patients who underwent a mastopexy (breast lift), large implants, or highly active lifestyles that include jumping or running have a higher risk of bottoming out. The internal bra is used to help prevent this by:
  1. Reinforce the inframammary fold
  2. Strengthen the lower pole
  3. Provide support for implants
What are the benefits of an internal bra?
  1. Enhanced Support and Longevity: The primary advantage of the internal bra is the support it offers. By providing a stable foundation for breast implants or reconstructed breast tissue, it helps maintain the desired shape and position over time.
  2. Improved Aesthetic Outcomes: The use of an internal bra allows your surgeon or doctor to achieve more precise control over breast shape and symmetry.
  3. Reduced Complications: The internal bra can help mitigate complications such as bottoming out (implants descending below the breast crease) and symmastia (implants moving too close together). These complications can still occur however are less likely to occur with the added support of the internal bra.
Here are some frequently asked questions we get from patients regarding the internal bra
– Does this mean I don’t have to wear a bra?
No, you will still need to wear a bra. There is no guarantee that this technique will provide enough support to prevent complications entirely, supporting your breasts post surgery with physical support from a supportive bra or post-operative garment will play an integral role in maintaining results post-operatively and when combined with the surgical bra technique.
– Does Dr Chinsee perform an internal bra?
Yes, Dr Chinsee performs an internal bra with all his cosmetic breast surgeries.
Finding a Brisbane-based doctor experienced in performing the internal bra technique requires research and consultations. If you are in search of an experienced cosmetic doctor in Brisbane who is also experienced in the internal bra method, we encourage you to reach out to Dr. Chinsee’s clinic to arrange your initial consultation.
– What method does Dr. Chinsee perform?
Dr Ian Chinsee performs the barb suture method in all of his cosmetic breast surgeries.
– Is bottoming out seperate to breast ptosis?
It’s important to understand that breast ptosis (sagging) is a naturally occurring process that happens gradually over time, stemming from shifts in a patient’s anatomical structure. It should not be mistaken for a postoperative complication like bottoming out. Breast ptosis involves both the breast and the nipple undergoing a descent, leading to a noticeable lowering of the breast’s position. Bottoming-out pertains solely to the implant’s downward migration while the nipple and natural breast tissue remain in their initial positions.

As a patient, it is crucial to be fully informed and have a clear understanding of the risks and potential complications before giving consent for any medical procedure. To book in a consultation with Dr Chinsee to discuss cosmetic breast surgery, the risks and complications associated with cosmetic breast surgery, and the “internal bra” please use the link below.

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– Dr Ian Chinsee (MED0000975196)
Registered Medical Practitioner, General Registration
Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery & Medicine [FACCSM (surg)]
Surgical Fellow of American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (FAACS)