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Breast Implant Replacement

Implant replacement is the removal of pre-existing breast implants and the insertion of new breast implants. This is a revision procedure and may be done alone or may be performed in conjunction with additional procedures such as a breast lift, or fat transfer.

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Common Reasons for Implant Replacement

Women choose to replace their breast implants for several reasons, for example:

  • Switching to a newer brand of implant
  • Change in implant size (larger or smaller)
  • Dissatisfaction with aesthetic result of original procedure
  • Complications from original procedure, such as capsular contracture, rippling, rupture or poor implant position

Recovery from aImplant Replacement

Recovery varies from patient to patient. Patients can experience pain, aches, pressure and discomfort, generally lasting up to two weeks. We do prescribe oral pain medication after your procedure to assist with pain and discomfort.

Following the operation, patients will require a dressing change at one week intervals for a period of three weeks, some patients will require additional dressing changes. Out of Town Patients will be provided with a letter containing detailed dressing change instructions to give to their GP if they cannot attend dressing change appointments at the Brisbane clinic.

Most patients should expect to take around one to two weeks off work. Patients with administrative roles can usually return to work after one week; however, more physically demanding jobs will require a longer recovery period. Patients can usually return to their normal activities, including gym exercises from week six.

There may be swelling and bruising after the procedure. Major swelling usually subsides by three months, and the results are noticeable at around the one-year mark. A compression bra will need to be worn continuously for six weeks after surgery.

We will schedule post-operative appointments throughout the following year. These appointments can be conducted via our Virtual Clinic or in person at our James St clinic.

Surgery Time

1 – 5 hours

Hospital Stay

Day surgery


General anaesthetic

Dressing Changes

Required at weeks 1, 2, & 3 – you may need additional dressing changes depending on recovery.

Time off Work

Between 1 – 6 weeks


None for 6 weeks


Required for 6-12 weeks, however we recommend constant support and wearing you post-operative bra every night.

Full Recovery

Around 3-12 months


For more before and afters please visit our gallery

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Scarring from Removal and Replacement

Scarring is an inevitable outcome following surgery. Whenever a surgical procedure requires cutting through multiple layers of skin, a scar will form. Our doctors aim to minimise the scar’s size and visibility by utilising appropriate surgical techniques. Most scarring should fade over time with appropriate postoperative care.

Please visit Scarring After Surgery for more information.

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Following the operation, patients will require three dressing changes, performed at weekly intervals. We provide our Out of Town Patients with a letter containing detailed dressing change instructions to give to their GP if you cannot attend dressing change appointments at the Brisbane clinic.

Most patients should expect to take around one to two weeks off work. Patients with office jobs can usually return to work after one week; however, more physically demanding jobs will require a longer recovery period. You can usually resume normal activities, including gym exercises by six weeks.

Breast surgery carries potential risks that include bleeding or infection, accumulation of fluid around the implant, allergic reactions to medical materials, changes in breast and nipple sensation, temporary or permanent numbness in specific areas, wrinkling of the skin over the implant, keloid formation, capsular contracture, improper implant size, implant rupture or deflation, breast asymmetry, calcium deposits in the scar capsule surrounding the implant, granulomas, difficulties with breastfeeding, diminished effectiveness of breast cancer screening, implant movement, the need for further surgical procedures to address complications, anesthesia risks such as allergic reactions or potentially fatal cardiovascular complications, and blood clots in the deep veins of the legs, which can be life-threatening if they migrate to the lungs or brain. It is crucial to discuss these risks thoroughly with a qualified doctor prior to undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

Major swelling usually subsides by three months, and the results are noticeable at around the one-year mark. A compression bra will need to be worn continuously for six weeks following surgery.

We will schedule post-operative appointments throughout the following year. These appointments can be conducted via our Virtual Clinic or in person at our James St clinic.

If deemed possible by Dr Ian Chinsee, cuts will be made along old incisions; however, scarring will depend on the extent of the surgery and if a lift is involved. Most scarring should fade over time with appropriate postoperative care.

For more information on scarring and the treatments available at Inigo Cosmetic please visit:


You may want to replace your implants if your current ones have developed asymmetry, become saggy, feel painful or hard, or if you are generally unhappy with the size. 

No. Removal and replacement of breast implants is more complex than a primary breast augmentation. It requires a thorough consultation, surgical plan, and additional time in theatre. We recommend you book in a consultation with one of our doctors for additional information.

The ideal candidate for removal and replacement of breast implants is someone who:

  • Has clear goals and aesthetic outcomes
  • Has a good understanding of what can and cannot be achieved with revision surgery
  • Is considered to be in overall good mental and physical health
  • Has realistic wants and expectations

Implants can be replaced for several different reasons: Rupture, capsule contracture, BIA-ALCL, dissatisfaction with overall result, or just a change in aesthetic appearance.

If you don’t want your breast implants replaced, the implants can be removed completely. Depending on the skin quality, excess skin may be tightened by performing a breast lift at the time of the removal.

It is recommended that you wait at least six months before undergoing any revision surgery to allow the tissue and skin adequate time to heal. However, we recommend you book a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss your options.