Six Weeks Before
- Stop Smoking: You must stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery and refrain from smoking for at least six weeks after surgery. Smoking can reduce blood flow to the skin and can cause major complications. If you are a current or recent smoker, you will be required to complete the Smoking Consent Form prior to your procedure.
- Aim to keep yourself in good physical shape. Good nutrition and regular exercise are important. Exercises to target and strengthen their back and stomach muscles may also be beneficial during their recovery period.
- Make sure you have a support person organised. Your support person will collect you from the hospital and is required to stay with you for the 24 hours after your procedure. If you are unable to organise a support person, you can contact Angels in Aprons to assist in post-operative care.
- Any costs associated with a support person are your responsibility.
- No cosmetic injections.
- No laser hair removal treatments.
- No body tattoos or piercings.
Breast Surgery Patients
- No dental work (including teeth cleaning and fillings) is allowed for at least six weeks prior to and six weeks after surgery. Please advise your dentist and your doctor of any future dental work as you may require prophylactic antibiotics.
- If you are over forty years of age, you will need to organise a routine mammogram. Please send these results to the clinic by fax on (07) 3394 4248.
or email
Two Weeks Before
- No spray tans until after surgery – your skin needs to be clean and tan-free to prevent residual product ending up in the incisions on surgery day. You may resume tanning two weeks after surgery but make sure you avoid the dressing area.
- Discontinue ALL non-prescription medication (including multivitamins and herbal products).
- Discontinue ALL diet medications- including shakes, thermogenic products, and duromine (phentermine).
- No blood thinning medications, including: Aspirin, Ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen), Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory medications, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba or Fish Oil.
- No illicit drugs.
- Please continue to take all other prescription medications.
One Week Before
- No alcohol one week before and one week after surgery. Alcohol can affect blood clotting.
- Report any signs of infections, colds, rashes or skin sores.
- If you have acrylic nails, nail polish, or shellac, make sure you remove the product off one finger on each hand for surgery day.
- Nail products on toes may be left on.
- Lash extensions may be left on.
- If you need a medical certificate, please contact the clinic prior to your surgery with required dates.
The Day of Surgery
Make sure you follow the fasting instructions that have been given to you by the hospital. This includes NO eating or drinking after midnight, including lollies, chewing gum and sips of water.
- Shower and wash yourself thoroughly – you may brush your teeth.
- Take your regular medication with a small sip of water.
- Do not apply any deodorants, makeup, creams, sprays or perfumes.
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes – ideally a button-up or zip-up top.
- Remove all jewellery and piercings.
- Leave your contact lenses at home; bring glasses instead.
- Visit a bathroom prior to admission to theatre.