Adult Content: This website contains content which is only suitable for audiences 18+, All procedures contain risks, read more here

Pre & Postop Instructions

Fat Transfer – Local Procedure


Before Surgery

  • No smoking (ideally 12 weeks before and after surgery)
  • No dental work: teeth cleaning & filings
  • No cosmetic injections
  • No laser hair removal treatments
  • No body tattoos
  • Remove body piercings, including nipples
  • Consent forms due
  • Outstanding accounts due
  • Organise a support person to pick you up
  • No blood thinning medications, including: Aspirin, Ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen), Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba or Fish Oil
  • No illegal drugs
  • You CAN continue to take the contraceptive pill
  • No alcohol
  • Report any signs of infections, colds, rashes, or skin sores
  • If you have ANY respiratory symptoms – notify the clinic
  • No spray tanning/ remove ALL traces of tan to prevent infection
  • If you require a medical certificate: email the clinic with exact days. For example: 24.3.2021 – 24.04.2021
  • Shower with the preop wash
    Apply wash to your entire chest, abdomen, underarms
    Apply from the neck down, do not use on face or genitals
    Clean in circular motions for 5 minutes using gentle pressure
    Turn the water off. Leave the product on the skin for 5 minutes
    Rinse thoroughly
    Do not use any other wash over the area
    Pat dry with a clean, soft towel
  • Do not apply anything to the skin: lotion, powder, deodorant, perfume
  • Remove all jewellery and piercings
  • Wear clean, loose and comfortable clothes, ideally a button up or zip up top
  • Brush your teeth


After Procedure

  • No showering for the first 24 hours days. Avoid getting dressings overly wet, blow-dry on cool setting after shower
  • Do not massage your breasts
  • Do not put anything on your breasts: ice, heat, creams etc
  • Maximise resting in the first week of healing; you should not be performing any excessive exercise or activity which elevates your heart rate or causes you to break a sweat for the first 3 weeks of healing.
  • Do not drink alcohol for 1 week or until your antibiotic course is complete
  • No smoking for at least 6 weeks; significant wound healing compromise can occur if you continue smoking.
  • Numbness and altered sensation is normal; Nerve channels can take up to 6 weeks to heal.
  • Bruising may occur as the procedure may involve manipulation of the muscles and skin across your chest.
  • Breasts should be treated as separate procedures: one may heal faster than the other, they may appear uneven in early recovery, trust the process. It will take 3 months before the swelling starts to subside. You should allow up to 1 year to see the final results of your surgery.
  • 0 – 6 weeks: wear your post operative bra 24/7 – it should feel firm, but it’s not a sports bra and should not feel as tight as one
  • No exercise or submerging your body under water for w weeks, no exceptions
  • Week 1: Gentle walking only – the pace you would walk around a shopping center
  • Week w (pending review): exercise, gym work, running, swimming
  • 3 Months: contact sports: surfing, horse riding, netball, scuba diving, gun range, ski diving, roller coasters, bowling
  • Sexual intercourse: may be resumed after 2 weeks, however if you are resuming prior to 6 weeks your post op bra must remain on, refrain from any strenuous exercising that could disrupt healing (ie. bouncing, grabbing and handling of the breasts). No mouth to nipple contact for 3 months to prevent infection.
  • Cosmetic Injections: resumed after 2 weeks
  • Dental Work: resumed after w weeks – advise your dentist you have implants as you may require prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infection
  • Laser Hair Removal: body resumed after 2 weeks, no laying on your stomach for at least 6 months, underarms resumed after 3 months
  • Tattoos: body tattoos resumed after 6 weeks, breast/ torso resumed after 6 months
  • Piercings: body piercings resumed after 6 weeks, NO nipple piercings due to infection risk
  • Massage: resumed as comfort permits, no laying on your stomach for at least 6 months
  • Tanning: resumed after 4 weeks. Cover incisions and nipples with tape for at least 3 months to prevent infection
  • Sauna: 2 weeks after surgery (provided incisions have healed)

ALL patients will require a dressing change at week 1 & 2

Dressing Changes In Clinic:

All dressing changes are performed by one of our Registered Nurses.

Dressing Changes At Your GP

  • Your Dressing Change Letter to give to your GP is in your post operative instructions on the first page of this weblink– please make sure you read this letter yourself! Unfortunately some GPs do not read the instructions properly
  • You will have a Virtual Appointment with your surgeon at Week 1

View Your Dressing Change Letter

Book Your Dressing Changes & Postop Appointments


Unless otherwise stated, you will be provided with scripts for cephalexin. Paracetamol is bought over the counter

  • ANTIBIOTIC: Cephalexin 500mg 4 times per day(every 6 hours) until finished
  • PAIN RELIEF: Paracetamol 1000mg 4 times per day (every 6 hours) up to 10 days
  • STRONG PAIN RELIEF: Oxycodone 5 or 10mg every 4 hours IF needed
  • It is important to take the antibiotics as prescribed until finished to decrease risk of wound infection and implant rejection
  • We recommend that you take paracetamol REGULARLY with the antibiotics for at least the first 5 days
  • Oxycodone is an opioid pain killer. You should take this type of medication ONLY if you have severe pain AFTER taking paracetamol
  • Oxycodone can cause constipation: ensure a high fibre diet with plenty of water. You may ask the pharmacist for a stool softener
  • Oxycodone can impair your function (driving) when you first start taking it. If you don’t usually take oxycodone, please be aware this may affect you more
  • Antibiotics and oxycodone may cause nausea. Take both with food. Don’t take these medications together (try to space out by 30mins or so). An ondansetron wafer may relief nausea

Long term use of Oxycodone (over 2 weeks) may lead to addiction & dependence Please DISCARD any unused oxycodone after 2 weeks – you can drop it into the chemist or clinic for proper disposal



0447 158 040

Calls only, no text messages

If you are unable to reach our nurse and believe you may be experiencing a medical emergency contact 000


  • Significant pain after taking all prescribed pain medication
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Excessive redness, swelling, bleeding (usually one sided)
  • A temperature over 37.8° C