Adult Content: This website contains content which is only suitable for audiences 18+, All procedures contain risks, read more here

Cosmetic Wrinkle Treatments Brisbane

Over time, our collagen and elastin levels may decline and with that, our skin may feel thin and dry. Fine lines and wrinkles may begin to form, in addition to the dynamic wrinkles, which may appear when a particular muscle is used.

Cosmetic wrinkle treatments in Brisbane are designed to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. These treatments are generally used across all demographics and aim to not only address fine lines and wrinkles but to also help prevent early signs of wrinkles.


What are Cosmetic Wrinkle Treatments?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. As we get older, our skin gets thinner, drier, and we lose elastin, causing it to become less capable of protecting itself. This decline in collagen and elastin levels contributes to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as dynamic wrinkles that appear with continuous muscle movement. Over time, if untreated, these dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles, often visible on the skin in the absence of muscle movement. Cosmetic wrinkle treatments in Brisbane consist of a variety of treatments which aim to reduce or slow the onset of facial lines and wrinkles.

Cosmetic wrinkle treatments can be performed on their own or combined with other procedures. Treatments at Inigo Cosmetic in Brisbane that are also designed to address fine lines and wrinkles include RF microneedling, Dermapen, RF ultrasound, exosomes and more.


Find out about cosmetic wrinkle treatments at Inigo Cosmetic in Brisbane.

Cosmetic wrinkle treatments at Inigo Cosmetic in Brisbane aim to:

  • Soften and minimise fine lines and wrinkles: Cosmetic wrinkle treatments aim to reduce or temporarily minimise existing fine lines and wrinkles. They may also serve as a preventative measure to soften expression lines that form with facial movements like frowning, raising eyebrows or squinting eyes.
  • Restrict movement: With age and repetitive muscle movements, fine lines and wrinkles may become more pronounced and visible even when the face is at rest. Cosmetic wrinkle treatments may soften these lines and wrinkles.
  • Shape and symmetry: Cosmetic wrinkle treatments may go beyond minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; they may also lift specific areas of the face or help balance asymmetrical features.

Cosmetic wrinkle treatments are a group of treatments that may offer patients a solution to target fine lines and wrinkles in the following areas:

  • Lateral eye wrinkles
  • Glabellar lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Brow lifting
  • Masseter (for volume or muscle spasm)
  • Chin
  • Downward tilting mouth corners
  • Perioral lines
  • Neck/Platysma bands

Here at Inigo Cosmetic Clinic in Brisbane, we customise all of our cosmetic treatment plans to address your specific concerns and aesthetic goals. Interested in cosmetic wrinkle treatments to address fine lines and wrinkles? Schedule a consultation at Inigo Cosmetic Brisbane with one of our team members.


  • Healite II LED: $59
  • Exosomes: $499
  • Vitamin Infusion: $199
  • Exion RF Ultrasound: $499
  • At Inigo Cosmetic, our mission has always been to deliver results-driven treatments within a safe and relaxing environment.
  • Upon your arrival at the clinic, our friendly reception staff will extend a warm welcome, offering you collagen water and assisting you with the necessary paperwork. Your doctor or nurse will greet you, taking you through a consultation with 2D and 3D imaging.
  • Your consultation at Inigo Cosmetic Brisbane provides an opportunity for you to discuss your aesthetic concerns, your treating practitioner will assess your natural facial expressions and movements, to determine which cosmetic wrinkle treatments may be best for you.
  • Following the procedure, your treating practitioner will provide you with a post-care pack containing your recommended treatment plan, post-care instructions and book you in your next appointment. All cosmetic wrinkle treatment appointments include a follow up appointment with a complimentary Healite II LED light therapy.
Screenshot 2024 05 20 at 1.20.59 PM | Inigo Cosmetic

Meet Your Medical Team

Inigo Cosmetic has a network of Nurses and Doctors. Our team aims to keep up to date with the latest treatments and technologies within the aesthetics medical field, in particular treatments that minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, so that we can provide our patients with the best possible care and treatment options.

We recommend scheduling a consultation and facial assessment with one of our experienced Nurses or Doctors, who can consult you on the appropriate products and treatments to address fine lines and wrinkles.

Treatment Plans Including Cosmetic Wrinkle Treatments

Thread Lifting
Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

At Inigo cosmetic we customise all our treatment plans to address your specific concerns and aesthetic goals, which may include incorporating multiple modalities. Interested in discussing fine lines and wrinkles? Schedule a consultation at Inigo Cosmetic Brisbane with one of our Nurses or Doctors.



All cosmetic procedures carry risks, including cosmetic wrinkle treatments. Possible risks associated with cosmetic wrinkle treatments may include:

  • Transient headache.
  • Swelling, bruising, bleeding, pain, muscle twitching, itching, oedema around the eyes, numbness or other changes in sensation.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Temporary descent of facial features, including eyebrows, cheeks, and mouth; – occurs in two percent of cases and may last three weeks.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Double or blurred vision.
  • Allergy, including anaphylaxis, is possible but rare.
  • Inadequate duration or ineffective treatment

For recovery, risks & complications relating to injectables please visit here.

The best way to determine whether this treatment is right for you is to have a consultation at Inigo Cosmetic in Brisbane with one of our practitioners. However, if you are concerned by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles then cosmetic wrinkle treatments might be an appropriate treatment for you.  Most healthy individuals are suitable candidates for cosmetic wrinkle treatments, provided that you have realistic expectations of what the treatment can achieve and that you are in good mental and physical health.

Our cosmetic wrinkle treatments may address:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Jaw clenching
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis)

Recovery time after cosmetic wrinkle treatments can vary depending on multiple factors, however most patients can resume normal activities within 24 hours.